Source code for diggrtoolbox.linking.helpers

#!/usr/bin/env python3
diggrlink helpers module contains helper functions used for dataset linking

import roman
import re
import string
import os

__author__ = "Florian Rämisch and Peter Mühleder"
__copyright = "Copyright 2017, Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig"
__email__ = ""

PUNCT_TRANSTABLE = str.maketrans("","",".,:-〔〕'’*/!&?+ ")
REMOVE_TM = ["™","®","(TM)", "(R)"]

ROMAN_NUMERAL_REGEX = r'\b(M{1,4}(CM|CD|D?C{0,3})(XC|XL|L?X{0,3})(IX|IV|V?I{0,3})|M{0,4}(CM|C?D|D?C{1,3})(XC|XL|L?X{0,3})(IX|IV|V?I{0,3})|M{0,4}(CM|CD|D?C{0,3})(XC|X?L|L?X{1,3})(IX|IV|V?I{0,3})|M{0,4}(CM|CD|D?C{0,3})(XC|XL|L?X{0,3})(IX|I?V|V?I{1,3}))\b'
NUMBERING_REGEX = r'(\d+\.\d+|\d+)'


[docs]def load_excluded_titles(): """ Load list of excudled titles from resource file """ file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/exclude.txt") with open(file_name) as f: excluded_titles = f.readlines() return [ x.strip() for x in excluded_titles ]
[docs]def load_series(): """ Load list of series to remove from title """ file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/series.txt") with open(file_name) as f: series = f.readlines() return [ x.strip() for x in series ]
[docs]def remove_tm(a): """ Removes trademark symbols from string :a: """ for t in REMOVE_TM: a = a.replace(t, "") return a.strip()
[docs]def word_before_after(a, sep): """ returns word before and after :sep: in string :a: """ word_before, word_after = "", "" if sep in a: word_before = a.split(str(sep))[0].strip().split(" ")[-1] word_after = a.split(str(sep))[1].strip().split(" ")[0] return word_before, word_after
[docs]def std(a): """ standardizes string :a: (removes punctuation, blanks, macrons; sets string to lower case) """ if a: a = a.replace("The"," "). replace("・", " ").replace("THE", " ").replace("the", " ") #remove punctuations a = a.translate(PUNCT_TRANSTABLE) #remove macrons a = a.replace("ō", "o").replace("Ō", "O").replace("ū", "u").replace("Ū", "U") a = a.replace("ou", "o").replace("Ou", "O").replace("uu", "u").replace("Uu", "U").replace("nb", "mb") #remove blanks, lower case, strip string a = a.lower() return a else: return ""
def _get_position(a, n): """ returns position of substring :n: as "start", "end" or "middle" """ position = a.index(n) if position == 0: return ("start", position) elif position+len(n) == len(a): return ("end", position) else: return ("middle", position) def _extract_roman_numerals(a): """ extracts all roman numerals in string :a:, including their position and numerical value """ rv = ROMAN_NUMERAL_RE.findall(a) rv = [no[0] for no in rv ] numbers = [] for n in rv: position = _get_position(a, n) numbers.append({ "type": "roman", "value": float(roman.fromRoman(n)), "position": position, "str": n }) return numbers def _extract_numbers(a): """ returns all numbers in string :a:, their position and value als float. if number is identified as year, only the last two digits get set as value """ rv = NUMBERING_RE.findall(a) numbers = [] for n in rv: position = _get_position(a, n) #check if year if len(n) == 4 and n[0] in "12" and "." not in n: ntype = "year" value = int(n[2:]) elif len(n) == 2 and n[0] in "890" and "." not in n: ntype = "year" value = int(n) #elso convert value to float else: ntype = "number" value = float(n) numbers.append({ "type": ntype, "value": value, "position": position, "str": n }) return numbers
[docs]def extract_all_numbers(a): """ returns all numbers (roman and arabic) in string :a: """ numbers = _extract_numbers(a) + _extract_roman_numerals(a) sorted_numbers = sorted(numbers, key=lambda x: -x["position"][1]) return sorted_numbers
[docs]def remove_numbers(a): """ removes all numbers (arabic and roman) from string a """ a = NUMBERING_RE.sub("", a) a = ROMAN_NUMERAL_RE.sub("",a) a = re.sub(" +", " ", a) return a.replace(" :", ":").strip()